
Teaching Staffs

Professor Taku Fujiwara

C1-2-222, Katsura Campus
TEL: 075-383-3348
FAX: 075-383-3351

Career Detail

Associate Professor Taira Hidaka

C1-2-223, Katsura Campus
TEL: 075-383-3350
FAX: 075-383-3351
Career Detail

Assistant Professor Yohei Nomura

C1-2-221, Katsura Campus
TEL: 075-383-3349
FAX: 075-383-3351
Career Detail

Program-Specific Assistant Professor Kohei Kawaguchi

C1-2-221, Katsura Campus
TEL: 075-383-3349
FAX: 075-383-3351
Career Detail



Name Position
Yasunari Kusuda ​Technical Specialist Saff
Xinyi Zhou Program Specific Researcher
Li Jingnan Program Specific Researcher
Nguyen Thu Huong Program Specific Researcher
​Masako Takizawa ​Research Assistant Staff
Tomoko Okuda ​Research Assistant Staff
Noriko Otani ​Research Assistant Staff
Kumi Shimomura Secretary
Asuka Sasakawa Secretary


Doctoral Course

Name Research Theme
Zu Mengze (D4) Impacts of infrared electromagnetic fields (IR-EMF) on anammox community for wastewater treatment
Nguyen Anh Vu (D4) Elucidation of temperature effects on fouling formation and membrane cleaning to improve forward osmosis performance in wastewater treatment
Wang Pin (D3) Removal of emerging contaminants based on photochemistry and radical chemistry.
Zhang Wanni (D3) Photocatalytic decomposition of sulfamethazine using rotating advanced oxidation contactors: performance, ecotoxicity, and biodegradability
Hibiki Adachi (D2) 水素過剰消費条件下における嫌気性消化の反応経路への影響 / Effects on the reaction pathway of anaerobic digestion under hydrogen overconsumption conditions
Nobuyuki Ukai(D2) セルロース系バイオマスを対象とした水熱分解前処理メタン発酵プロセスの開発 / Development of anaerobic digestion process for cellulosic biomass pretreated by hydrothermal liquefaction
Ayik Abdillah(D2) Understanding The Mechanisms of Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer In Palm Oil Mill Effluent As A Feedstock For Anaerobic Digestion
Kwang Ching Yi (D2) Insight into the Mechanism of Biogas Upgrading with Hydrogen Addition in Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge
Kenga Victor Viluwa(D1) Nutrients Recovery and Agar Production from Hydroponic Wastewater using Macroalga Gracilaria spp
Tianyi Zhang(D1) Using Laccase Enzyme to Biodegrade Terephthalic Acid (TPA) in Wastewater

Master’s Course

Name Research Theme
Li Ting (M2) 実下水処理プロセスにおける亜酸化窒素の突発的発生機構の解明 / Elucidation of the mechanism of sudden generation of nitrous oxide in actual sewage treatment process
LORENZO VICTOR LOCSON TOTANES (M2) Extraction of the Ulvan Polysaccharide from Ulva meridionalis
Daichi Akeyama (M2) 散水担体ろ床を用いた下水処理過程における亜酸化窒素の排出動態および排出機構 / Nitrous oxide emission dynamics and its emission mechanism from sewage treatment process using a pre-treated trickling filter
Kohei Oganna (M2) 大型藻類ミナミアオノリの培養における下水処理水および溶存鉄の増殖促進効果 / Growth-promoting effects of dissolved iron and treated sewage effluent on the cultivation of macroalga Ulva meridionalis
Masahiro Onda (M2) 正浸透法による下水の直接処理における有機物の分解特性および濃縮特性 / Degradation and Concentration Characteristics of Organic Matters during Direct Treatment of Sewage by Forward Osmosis
Hiroki Manabe (M2) 基質投入間隔が乳牛ふんのメタン発酵に及ぼす影響 / Effect of substrate feeding intervals on methane fermentation of dairy cattle manure
Takuhiro Morikawa (M2) 温度低下が嫌気性消化の処理特性に及ぼす影響 / Effect of Temperature Decrease on Treatment Performance of Anaerobic Digestion
Yuta Yamamura (M2) オキシデーションディッチ法におけるマイクロプラスチックの動態 / Dynamics of microplastics at wastewater treatment plants with oxidation ditches
Li Hong (M1) オキシデーションディッチ法におけるMPs除去率の安定性に対する評価 / Evaluation of stability of removal rate of MPs at wastewater treatment plants with oxidation ditches.
Shinji Akayama (M1) 回転円板型促進酸化装置による養液栽培培養液中のRalstonia solanacearumの不活化技術の開発 / Development of a technique for inactivation of Ralstonia solanacearum in culture media for hydroponic cultivation by a rotating advanced oxidation contractor.
Yusuke Kitagawa (M1) 藻類バイオマスを用いた脱炭素に貢献する生物学的排水処理技術の開発 / Development of biological wastewater treatment technology that contributes to decarbonization using algal biomass.
Iori Kuramochi(M1) アンモニア回収を組み合わせた下水の脱水汚泥を基質とする嫌気性消化技術の開発
Akatsuki Kojima (M1) 温度が光合成細菌による廃水中からの付加価値物質生産に及ぼす影響 / The effect of temperature on production of value-added substances from wastewater using photosynthetic bacteria.

Undergraduates, 4th year

Name Research Theme
Thant Htut NYI (B4) (Undecided)
Yuji Takashima (B4) ミナミアオノリの明期と暗期における最適温度の模索と増殖予測モデルの作成
Kai Yamabe (B4) 下水オゾン処理リアルタイム制御のための主要水質とin-situ蛍光物質の特定 Identification of Key Water Quality Indicators and In-situ Fluorescent Substances for Real-time Control of Ozone Treatment in Wastewater

Graduates in 2023

名前 研究テーマ
Yuto Tomonari (Master’s degree Completed) 廃棄物系バイオマスのメタン発酵特性に担体の導電性が及ぼす影響 / Effects of organic acid concentrations and pH on methane fermentation of waste biomass

Graduates in 2022

名前 研究テーマ
Ryota Kawabata (Master’s degree Completed) 光合成細菌を用いた窒素固定に関する研究 / Nitrogen fixation using photo synthetic bacteria
Masaki Goto (Master’s degree Completed) フォトグラニュールを使用したメタン発酵 / Anaerobic digestion using photogranules
Megumi Matsumura (Master’s degree Completed) 微生物を用いた廃水処理における制御方法の開発 / Development of a control method for microbial wastewater treatment

Graduates in 2021

名前 研究テーマ
蔺 一鵬 (Yipeng Lin) (修士課程 修了) 実下水処理場の観測データを用いた人工ニューラルネットワークモデルによる処理特性予測と寄与度解析 / Application of artificial neural network model for prediction of treatment performance and contribution analysis of observation data in an actual wastewater treatment plant
蔡 楽怡 (Leyi Cai) (修士課程 修了) 下水処理における亜硝酸蓄積制御に及ぼす担体投入率の影響 / Effect of carrier loading ratio on partial nitrification control in sewage treatment
Areke Alexander Tiareti (修士課程 修了) 腐敗槽からのメタンガス排出抑制のための酸化還元電位の評価 / Evaluation of oxidation reduction potential for the mitigation of methane emissions from septic systems
山本 涼平 (修士課程 修了) 回転円板型促進酸化装置によるベンラファキシン除去特性および抗うつ剤活性低減効果の評価 / Evaluation of removal characteristics and antidepressant activity reduction of venlafaxine by a rotating advanced oxidation contractor